Bygone News - All News

January 1931

The Danger

Mains CastleExciting scenes were witnessed at Stobsmuir on Saturday, when the ice gave way at one end of the pond and over 20 people got a soaking.  Among the unfortunates were one or two grown-ups. Read more......

December 1930

Steamer's Mishap

D.M. BrownsThe steamer Corsica, which plies regularly between Dundee and Hamburg met with a mishap while entering Dundee Harbour on Thursday.  She was making for the lockway to Camperdown Dock when she fouled the west roundhead.  Several cross-beams of the wharf were broken, but there was no apparent damage to the steamer. Read more......

November 1930


GreenmarketHallowe'en with all its traditional accompaniments was observed by Barnhill Social Club at a gathering in St. Margarets Hall. A party of guisers gave a happy opening to the programme and "chappit tatties" and "dookin for apples" followed.
There was a company of between 70 and 80 and the arrangements were in hand of Mr F.H.Bradbury. Read more......

October 1930

Duke of York call at Village Shop

NethergateThe birth of Princess Margaret Rose, the infant daughter of the Duke and Duchess of York, has been registered at Glamis Registration Office.

She was born on August 21st. The Registrar (Mr Charles Buchanan) is also postmaster at the village, and in addition is grocer, confectioner and tobacconist. All his multifarlous duties are conducted in a low-ceilinged village shop. Read more......

September 1930

Won the Tay Long Distance Swim

Tay BridgeJ.G. Ferguson, Whitehall Amateurs, won the Tay long-distance swim, held on Saturday afternoon.  He won the event two seasons ago over the Newport Course. Read more......

August 1930

Change of Name

DownfieldOut Downfield way, there used to be a place called Meric Muir.  I do not know the origin of the name Meric, but Meric it was, and the name was a household word throughout Coldside.  Now the road at the Muir is named Americanmuir Road.  Who is responsible for changing the name Meric to American? Read more......

July 1930

Museum Aquarium

Albert InstituteThe Central Museum in Albert Square is attracting large crowds these days despite the warm weather.  The aquarium, of course, is one of the principal features, and it is just a pity that some of our public-spirited citizens do not see their way to present more tanks, for I am sure that Mr Webster, the genial curator, could easily find scope for developing this part of the Museum. Read more......

June 1930

Pigeon Fanciers' Misfortune

Mather's HotelThe delayed race from Stafford has brought bad luck to Messrs Milne and Whyte, the well-known Dundee pigeon fanciers.

One of their best racers has arrived home showing evidence of gunshot wounds, rendering it useless for the remainder of the season. Read more......

May 1930

Succumbed to Injuries

Ward RoadA distressing discovery was made on Wednesday in a house at 105 Lorne Street, Lochee, where Annie Mayes or Watt (40) was found with a deep wound in her throat.  A razor was found at her side.  The woman was removed to Dundee Royal Infirmary but she succumbed to her injuries. Read more......

April 1930

Baths Suggestion

River TayBathers at Dundee Central Baths have made a request to the baths superintendant that some facilities should be provided so that they might obtain a cup of tea and refreshments.  The request was greeted with some display of hilarity when it came before the Baths Committee on Tuesday.  One or two Councillors were not quite sure what was the idea.  Were bathers to have their cup of tea in the bath or out of it?  The upshot was that the committee are to advertise for tenders for the privilege of the catering at the baths. Read more......