A Busman's Holiday
Sir Harry Lauder has a busman's holiday in Dundee on Thursday night. In the Victoria Theatre he saw a musichall performance "from the front" and at the close pronounced it excellent. Read more......
Monifieth YMCA is to be congratulated on the success of its annual social function. On this occasion the event again took the form of a "battle of the clans". This novelty whist drive is most populat in the seaside burgh and is run on somewhat similar lines to a military whist drive, with the exception that the tables are represented by th "clans" instead of "countries. Read more......
A memorial to the beneficence of Mr Robert Fleming is to be errected by Dundee Town Council at the entrance of the Fleming housing scheme. Read more......
A remarkable discovery was made on Saturday by one of the employees of Messrs A & W Ingram, who were working at the shop of Grieg Brothers, butchers, 5, Albert Street, Dundee. Read more......
Dundonians went down to the sea on Sunday - not in ships but on corporation buses. Summer heat, tempered by a pleasant westerly breeze, made the uppermost thought one of getting away from the city. Read more......
A Dundee beekeeper has had two remarkable swarms - probably the first of the season in this district. The first swarm weighed five pounds, it is estimated there are 5000 bees to the pound and the number of bees swarming was thus 25,000. Read more......
Liff's white blackbird is dead - ruthlessly shot. The bird, a perfect albino, was first observed in the district about two years ago, and since then it had haunted the village and the woods of Gray to the delight of the residents, old and young, who were proud to point it out to visitors when it hopped into view from the leafy glades. Read more......
Broughty merchants are planning for a grand carnival for the Glasgow and Dundee holiday weeks. The programme of entertainments and events looks good, but there is a lack of competitive events, and Broughty should consider what might be done on land and water. Read more......
During this week the Tay near the Tay Bridge has been covered by great flocks of eider ducks. The ducks may be on migration but if flocks are leaving the river, new flocks keep coming, and passengers in the trains crossing the bridge see thousands of ducks and vast numbers of seagulls, all seemingly engaged in picking up small fish. Read more......
McDonald Street was named after Bailie Duncan Macdonald, who was for many years connected with public boards in Dundee? Read more......