When making a rice pudding sweeten with demerara sugar as this gives a lovely caramel flavour. Perfect Boiled Eggs and Save Fuel:- Economy tip for boiling eggs. Boil water in pan, add eggs, when water is boiling put on a well fitting lid and leave (off the heat) for 6 minutes for a perfectly cooked egg. Read more......
Think twice before you cook that joint, many women may not know that they are losing half the flavour and tenderness of the weekend joint by cooking it too soon, particularly if they are Saturday shoppers. Read more......
Add a few drops of vinegar to the water when boiling sprouts, cabbage or cauliflower. This reduces the smell considerably. Mrs E. Meikle-John Read more......
Before scraping new potatoes, soak them for half an hour in cold water which has been salted. Not only do the skins peel off easily but the hands are not stained.
If egg shells are cracked and you want to boil them, use an oven bag to hold them in the water. Fasten the bag and cook the usual way. Read more......
Add a few drops of lemon juice when you boil a cauliflower. This takes away the smell and keeps the vegetable white. Read more......
To remove the odour of cooking cabbage, boil a stalk or two of celery with it. This also gives a delicious flavour.
A good method of keeping butter cool where ice is not obtainable is to place it in a dish inside an old, clean flowerpot. The pot should stand in a basin of water and clean damp thrown over it. The ends of the cloth resting in the water keeps it always full of moisture and the butter will be found as firm as if it were presented on ice. Read more......
Peel and boil the potatoes. Now allow for every 1lb of potatoes a wine glassful of absolutely boiling milk, and a bit of butter about the size of a medium walnut. When the potatoes are quite dry, add the boiling milk, butter and salt and pepper to taste and beat up with a fork until white and light. Send to the table at once. No one who has not tried it can realise the difference the hot milk makes. Read more......
To remove fat from hot roast juices, add a few ice cubes. The fat quickly forms to the ice and is easily lifted off. Read more......