The Dundee programme for the celebration of the Coronation of King George V and Queen Mary on Thursday 22nd June, is ambitious, showing that the members of the Town Council and others associated with them in completing arrangements are determined to make the day memorable as well as enjoyable for old and young.There will be something to attract and to amuse every section of the community from morning until late at night, and careful attention having been paid to details, all that is necessary to make the celebration a complete success is good weather. Read more......
The injuries sustained by Philip against Rangers and Arbroath made it necessary for the Dundee officials to find a new goalkeeper for the Northern League match with Montrose at Dens Park today. They have signed George Laburn, late of Arbroath and Forfar, who had a short tern across the border. Read more......
Greenmarket F.C.
The Greenmarket football team appeared on new ground on Tuesday, when eleven in a row, they were lined up before Bailie Paton at the Police Court on a charge of playing their game to the annoyance of the public. The Bailie remarked that the accused must be an "eleven" and the boys did not object to the designation. Two of the older lads had been previously convicted, and they were ordered to pay half a crown, or go to prison for 12 hours. Five of them were fined 1s, with the alternative of six hours' imprisonment; while the other four were admonished. Read more......
Recreative Club Tableaux Vivants and Dramatic Entertainment in Foresters' Large Hall On Wednesday and Thursday 8th and 9th February at 7.30pm each evening Soloists - Miss Charlotte Craig, Miss Jessie Ayre, Mr A.L. Mackie, Mr James Bowman and Mr Robert C. Bisset. Dramatic Sketches:- "Rough Diamond", and "Romeo and Juliet" Orchestral Accompaniments. Admission, 6d and 1s. Read more......
Fortunes to be made in British Columbia Between 4000 and 5000 Scotsmen are- according to a Canadian report - going out to work on the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway in British Columbia. At the London headquarters of the Railway Company it was learned that the men will go out in batches during the next few weeks, and their work on the railway will bring them an average pay of 12s per day. The work on the railway in British Columbia will be completed by 1914 and it is probable that the majority of the men will then settle in the districts, which will develop along the line. The official said that the best workers out on the railway were, in order of merit, Scotsmen, Irishmen and Scandinavians. Scots were an easy first and made the best settlers. Read more......
Thirteen of the crew of the Dundee steamer 'Auldmuir' were brought before a special sitting of North Shields Magistrates on a charge of disobeying the orders of the master, and ten of them were sent to prison for fourteen days. Read more......
Unless the heavy stocks of potatoes stored up in the sheds at Earl Grey Dock are relieved at an early date something approaching a serious congestion will occur. Every day wagon and cart loads of tubers are dumped down at the harbour, and the bags are piled in the sheds almost roof high. Although the supplies are coming in with perfect regularity, however, the exporters are experiencing difficulty in chartering vessels to carry them off. Read more......
In cold and grey weather crowds of Broughty Ferry people surrounded the new lifeboat house, which was opened on Wednesday and watched the successful launching of the motor lifeboat Maria. The need for a craft that could be independent of wind and tide had been felt for a long time. Read more......
The Newport, for the appearance of which the public looked so long, is now ready to undertake the passage, and if all goes well Dundonians and suburbanites will be able to cross the ferry in the new steamer today. The new "Fifie" will run in conjunction with the Fifeshire during the afternoon, but it is not intended that she will work the passage regularly just yet. The intention is to break the Newport into the work by degrees, and throughout next week the old and familiar Fifeshire will continue to ferry passengers across the river. Read more......
For several days the Albert Institute is to take a back seat. There is a real live Zoo down on the Esplanade, and there is a collection of specimens of far higher interest than those in the glass cases. It is every citizen's duty to take his lads and lassies to Messrs Bostock & Wombwell's Show. Of course, the grown ups want to go themselves, but the taking of the children is generally the very good excuse. Read more......