October 1931

Battle Of The Clans

Albert InstituteMonifieth YMCA is to be congratulated on the success of its annual social function. On this occasion the event again took the form of a "battle of the clans". This novelty whist drive is most populat in the seaside burgh and is run on somewhat similar lines to a military whist drive, with the exception that the tables are represented by th "clans" instead of "countries.

Organ Recital

Corporation Organ Recital - Caird Hall
James Hinchliffe, City Organist, The Dundee Male Voice Choir, Ed  J. Robertson, Violinist.
The Rev. A.W Ferguson, D.D in the chair.
Sunday at 8.
Special cars and buses at close of recital.

Town Council And New Art School

The Education Endowment Commissioners are to come to Dundee in January to hear representations from bodies interested in the question of the proposed Duncan of Jordanstone Art School.

Intimation to that effect was made by Mr W.H Blyth Martin, Town Clerk, at a meeting of the Lord Provost's Committee of Dundee Town Council on Tuesday. He said that the policy of the Town Council would require to be formulated before the commissioners came to the city.

On his proposal a sub-committee consisting of Lord Provost Johnston, Treasurer Frain, Mr R.A Scrymgeour and Mr John Phin was appointed to consider and report on the policy to be submitted to the commissioners.

Syrup & Cinnamon Pudding

This week's special dish is..

Sounds good, doesn't it? Well, why not try it for to-morrow's dinner?

10 oz flour
A little less than ½ teaspoon bi-carb soda
5 oz margarine
½ dessertspoonful powdered cinnamon
4 oz sugar
3 tablespoons golden syrup
1 egg

3 tablespoons golden syrup
1 tablespoon water
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Sieve the flour and cinnamon. Beat the egg. Put the sugar, margarine and syrup into a saucepan and dissolve, do not boil. Let cool slightly then add in the beaten egg. Mix into dry ingredients and beat well. Stir in the soda with a little milk. Put into a greased bowl, cover securely with greased paper and steam for two hours.

Serve with the sauce made by mixing the syrup, water and lemon juice in a saucepan and boiling for a few minutes.

Grasp The Chance

The new school could hardly have opened at a more appropriate time. At a period in the city's history when businesses are struggling against adversity, young men and women are presented with the opportunity to study economy in its relation to commerce. It is up to young Dundee to grasp the chance.

Quality Cigarettes

Player's Navy Cut - Cigarettes - Medium
10 for 6d
20 for 11½d
Quality and quantity foes into every packet. Issued by th Imperial Tobacco Co. (Of Great Britain and Ireland) Ltd.

1189 Less People Unemployed

The improvement in the jute trade and other city industries has had a direct effect on the unemployment figures.

The figures for this week show a decrease of 1189, one of the biggest reductions for many months, of that number 485 are accounted for by wholly unemployed persons being place in jobs and the remaining 704 by short-time workers going on full-time.

Between 70 and 80 per cent of the number were absorbed by the jute trade, while the remainder were placed in sundry lines of business.


Tutor wanted, one hour evening, home lessons, Maryfield. Children aged 9 and 12 . State terms to box 617, People's Journal, Dundee.

Carnoustie Artists

On Saturday of next week and the following Monday, the members of the Carnoustie Art Club are to stage their third annual exhibition in the Union Club Rooms.

This is one of the most attractive events of the autumn season in the seaside town and invariably brings out big crowds. The art club has gathered round its large number of enthusiastic artists, a number of who show more than ordinary promise. They are fortunate to have the advice and guidance of several capable leaders including Mr Mark Anthony, whose work is well known in the district.

Morgan Pupil Wins Essay Competition

The annual essay competition in connection with the Sir John Leng Trust has been won by Charles Lennox Macalister, 38, Woodside Terrace, Dundee, a pupil of Morgan Academy.

He receives £5 and a gold medal. The subject of the essay was:-
Discuss some part of Faraday's contribution to the advancement of science, dwelling on the disadvantages under which he laboured and the influence of his character on his work.

The adjudicator was Mr P.S Lowson, master of method, Dundee Training College, who states that the winning essay was written in a clear and concise style and showed also good scientific insight.