Bygone News - 100 years ago and over

December 1909

The Tree of Liberty in Dundee

View from the LawThe action of Dundee School Board in trying to secure the Belmont grounds for a new West End Academy will probably mean the end of Dundee's "Tree of Liberty".

In the Belmont grounds grows a hale and green tree - "Tree of Liberty".

More than one hundred years have gone by since it figured in one of the most stirring events of the stirring times which marked the latter decades of the eighteenth century. Read more......

November 1909

Cleaning the Steeple Church

SteepleThe question of painting the interior of the Steeple Church was discussed at a meeting of the Works Committee of the Town Council on Tuesday. A sub committee, without deciding as to whether the work should be done, decided that tenders should be asked. Read more......

October 1909

The Dundee "Striking" Suffragettes

MeetingThe five suffragettes who were sent to prison on Wednesday in connection with the Churchill meeting disturbance are still "doing time". So far they have resisted the temptation to take the food that is regularly provided for them, and are bearing their self-imposed "hunger-strike" with great stoicism. Read more......

September 1909

The Shipwrecked Whalers

Dundee 1900A cablegram from St. Johns, Newfoundland, states that the crew of the Dundee whaler Snowdrop, which was lost in the Arctic regions a year ago, are found to have spent the winter with the natives. They endured great hardships, but all are well except one, who is suffering from frozen feet. Read more......

August 1909

Savings Bank and Post Offices

Town HouseOver 100 girls, under 20 years of age, are required to fill vacant situations in the Post Office and Savings Banks. On account of the unusually large numbers needed on this occasion, local girls will no doubt make an effort to carry off as many as possible of these much coveted posts. Read more......

July 1909

War Vessels in the Tay

LawDundonians are being familiarised with the somewhat erratic movements of His Majesty's ships of war. Yesterday the repair ship Vulcan, which since her arrival in the Tay nearly a week ago has been moored off the Eastern Wharf, hove up anchor, and preceded to Broughty Ferry, anchoring off the Castle. With her went eight submarines, which again lie submerged around the parent craft. The gunboat Hazard left Camperdown Dock in the course of the day for Aberdeen, to take her place amongst the cruisers at present lying in Aberdeen Bay. Read more......

June 1909

The Kings's Theatre

Coty SquareThe management of the King's are introducing quite a lot of new talent - new at least to Dundonians - just now. This week's company includes several strong turns that have never been here before, and next week the King's patron's will see several more. Read more......

May 1909

Absorbing Broughty

Mars Training ShipTime and again during the past few years the question of uniting Broughty Ferry with the City of Dundee has been raised, and as often has the proposal been coldly received by the authorities in the seaside burgh. Read more......

April 1909

Her Majesty's Theatre

Royal ArchManaging Director - Mr Robert Arthur.
Monday Apl 26 for 6 nights at 7.30 (SAT 7.15)
Mr Leonard Boyne's London Co., in the great success
The play that ran over 400 nights at the Comedy Theatre.
Company includes Mr Eille Norwood and Miss Ruth MacKay. Read more......

March 1909

Football - New Irish Club

OvergateFor some time there has been talk in the city with regard to the formation of a new Irish senior team, and a Committee at the head of which is Mr P. Reilly, cycle dealer, is working at the business. Read more......