
Sausage Hot-Pot

Mrs M. Rae, Aberdeenshire recommends this way of serving sausages.
Take 1lb pork sausages
½ lb tomatoes
¼ lb lean ham
2 onions
Salt and pepper
½ teacup water
1 cube meat extract

Skin the sausages and roll them in flour, chop up onion finely, and cut ham into small pieces. Butter a large casserole, place onions in foot of dish, then ham then sausages and tomato. Sprinkle with a little salt and pepper. Mix the meat extract with the water and pour over the ingredients in casserole. Cook in a moderate oven for 45 minutes.

Tasty Hamburgers

My family look forward to dinner when I make the hamburgers. – Mrs W. Woztczak, Iona Street, Dundee.

Take 1lb mince, add 1 grated onion and seasoning, 1 cupful of breadcrumbs. Bind with an egg. Shape into small rounds, cover with fish dressing and fry until golden brown. Then simmer in gravy made from stock or meat cubes for half an hour. This makes about 14 hamburgers.

Chocolate Snowballs 1984

Take 8oz digestive biscuits, 1½ tablespoons drinking chocolate, 2oz margarine, 1 small tin of condensed milk, 20 marshmallows, coconut.  Crush the biscuits, melt the margarine, add chocolate and milk, stir well. Wet hands, cover the marshmallows with the mixture and roll in coconut. Read more......

Butterscotch Rice Pudding

This is indeed a rich pudding, and people who are tired of ordinary rice pudding will appreciate this.

Take 2 heaped tablespoons whole rice, 2 tablespoons crushed butterscotch, 1 quart milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla essence, a little grated nutmeg, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, 1 tablespoon margarine, salt. Read more......

Treacle Bread

Take 12 oz wholemeal flour
¼ teaspoonful salt
3 oz malt extract
2 tablespoons treacle
2 teaspoonfuls baking powder
2 oz raisins,
1½ gills milk

Mix malt, milk and treacle together. Put flour, salt and baking powder into basin, stir in treacle and leave basin in a warm place for about 1½ hours. Add the raisins and stir. Put into a well greased baking tin and bake for 1½ hours in a moderate oven until evenly browned.

Tomatoes and Macaroni 1912

Stew ½ lb tomatoes; boil ¼ lb macaroni till soft, stir well together; add 2 oz grated cheddar cheese and a nut of butter. Stir again and sprinkle chopped parsley on top.

Lemonade Syrup - 1912

4lb lumps sugar
2½ citric acid
1 quart water
2 teaspoons essence of lemon

Boil the water and sugar well together and when nearly cold add the citric acid and essence of lemon. One tablespoon of this mixture is enough for a tumbler of water.

Baked Milk Toast

Trim the crust from some slices of bread cut of medium thickness and toast the bread lightly on both sides, and then butter thinly. Lay the slices in a pudding dish in which it is to be served, sprinkling each slice with a little salt, and pour over as much milk as the dish will hold. If there is hurry the milk may be heated before being used, but if not cold milk will answer. Cover the dish, set it in oven and bake it for 20 minutes. Uncover it and brown lightly on top.

Macaroni and Sausage Casserole 1963

A delicious dish – Miss E. Shepherd, Aberdeen.
Take 1lb pork or steak sausages, 2 oz macaroni, 2 tablespoons grated cheese, 2 onions, salt and pepper and 1 small tin tomato puree.

After browning them in frying pan, place sausages in bottom of casserole. Place a layer of onion, thinly sliced, on top. Add the macaroni, boiled in salted water till tender.

Pour tomato puree over and sprinkle with pepper and salt, then the grated cheese. Bake in moderate oven for an hour.

Dumbiedykes Pudding

Dumbiedykes Pudding

Stews some rhubarb with plenty of water and sugar. Put into your pudding dish a layer of bread, then pour on the hot rhubarb, them another layer of bread, then rhubarb, till the dish is full. Now put an ashet on top and set away for 24 hours in a cool place. This served cold with sugar and cream on a hot summer’s day is delicious. Read more......