
Dryburgh Days

Born in the DRI in 1964 and living in a flat in the newly developed Dryburgh Gardens where I spent a great childhood, playing in the lifts and needing a stick to reach the fourth floor where I lived. Getting chased from the adults as we walked along walls and played football on top of the garages (what were we thinking). Read more......

Submitted by Billy (Wullie) Young

Regards to Fellow Dundonians

I was born in Dundee in 1953 and spent the first part of my life at 69 High Street. The family moved to Napier Place, Dryburgh where I attended Dryburgh Primary School. From Napier Place I moved again to Foggyley Gardens (the multi storeys) for a few years before ending up at Liff Terrace, Charleston.  Read more......

Submitted by Bill Reilly
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