Hints And Tips

Bright Tips 1960

Easy Cleaned Pot

To make the scrambled egg pan easier to clean, grease it beforehand with a margarine paper. After use, fill it with cold water to which has been added a dessertspoonful of salt and allow it to sit for 20 minutes before cleaning. Mrs M.B., Dundee. Read more......

Bright Tips 1985

Unpleasant Smell

To prevent an unpleasant smell while cooking cauliflower, cover with slices of bread. The bread can then be given to the birds when cold. Mrs I McIntosh, Ellon. Read more......

It's Spring Cleaning Time

It's Spring Cleaning Time

Hints and Tips Which Readers Have Found Invaluable.....

Mildew Stains

Mildew can be removed from materials by laying on a paste made of soft soap and powdered chalk. Leave the article in the sun to dry if possible. Read more......

"A Coal Tip" 1910

The increased price of coal must be looked at with some alarm to the working man’s honest wife. But necessity always proves to be the mother of invention. This is a tip that will make a hundredweight of coal last much longer than the ordinary way. Waste paper, old newspapers and brown paper should be collected and moderately steeped in water, wrung out and make into balls of suitable size, and put on the back of the fire. This will be found to spell economy to the hard-pressed housewife.

Coronation Flags 1937

Coronation Flags – Perhaps some of your readers would like to know of a use for their Coronation flags. I have covered cushions with mine and use them for the garden chairs.  They give quite a gay appearance to the lawn, and are much admired. – “Constant Reader, Dundee”.

Tablecloths Tips

When you Wash Linen Tablecloths

“This is a very good washing day hint which I have tried and tested, writes Miss J. Smith, Monikie W.R.I.

A spoonful of methylated spirits added to the last rinsing water when washing linen tablecloths and tray cloths will stiffen the articles beautifully. They will also be much easier to iron and have a beautiful gloss when finished.Tablecloths

Bright Tips August 1917

Burnt Saucepans - Pans and saucepans that have been burnt should never
be filled with soda and water, as this, although it removes the burnt portions,
also makes the saucepan liable to burn again. Instead of soda and water, fill
it with salt and water, and leave it till next day, when it should be placed on
the fire till the water slowly boils. The burnt particles will come off without
any difficulties and there will be no after effects.

Economy In Tea

Do you find your tea allowance too small? Read what Mrs Hill, Thornliebank says, and learn how to make more of it: - Instead of putting two or three spoonfuls of tea into the pot, fill a saucepan with water and let it boil, then put in one spoonful of tea and let it boil for one minute, not longer. Stain into a pot leaving the leaves in the saucepan. Fill up with cold water, and bring to the boil again, when you will have a second infusion ready for the teapot. Where there is a large family considerable saving can be effected by making tea in this way. Read more......

Stove Polish

A good way of economising on stove polish, and incidentally on “elbow grease”, as far less labour is needed to obtain a good polish, is to mix the paste with dry soap powder. Any sort of soap powder answers the purpose, and the shine obtained if far better than the polish alone gives.