I was born at 40 Constitution Street in May 1933 where I stayed with my parents and two brothers until we moved to a new house in Kendal Avenue in 1946. I went to Rosebank School then to Rockwell High. When I started work it was in J.K. Mearns at the bottom of Victoria Road, it was a very happy place to work as we had a very good employer (William Mearns). I married George Millar in 1953, we have 4 children, 8 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren.
To qualify for the Tramway Treat to the bairns at Christmas time, children were picked from local schools. I remember ripping my jumper and being chosen. The Treat was in the Breakfast Hall in Constitution Road where every one got some food and we played games. I think I would have been about 7 or 8 years old.
Was brought up in Mid Street and Constitution Road, before moving out to the new housing scheme at Ardler. We were one of the first families to move into Turnberry Avenue, and I attended Ardler Primary School, before it became overcrowded and they had to re-open the old Blackshade Primary. Read more......