Several English clubs, including Blackpool and Preston are showing interest in Danny Malloy. But the Dens Park fans need not lose any sleep says Manager Willie Thornton. "No approach has been made to us for Malloy's transfer. In any case, they would be wasting time. We have no intention of transferring the centre-half".
Cash Register National - reconditioned and fully guaranteed by makers. Call N.C.R., 22 Commercial Street, Dundee. Tel 2282 and 2809.
Monifieth Townswomen's Guild spent an entertaining evening listening to "stories grave and gay" told by Rev. Philip Lee Chaplin to the East House, Dundee, whose repertoire included many human stories about folk he had mingled with during his varied travels.
The Royal Highland Show, Edinburgh
21st to 24th June 1955
Horse-Shoeing Competition
The McDiarmid Challenge Cup
Gold and Silver Medals
Canteen of Cutlery, Cash Prizes
Closing date for entries 13th April
Entry Forms from:- R.M. Lemon,
The Royal Highland & Agricultural Secretary of Scotland, 8, Eglinton Crescent, Edinburgh.
High School term dates for session 1955-56 are:-
First Term:- Tuesday August 30th until Friday December 23rd.
Autumn Holiday:- October 3rd.
Second Term:- Wednesday January 4th until Thursday March 29th.
Third Term:- Wednesday April 11th until Friday June 29th.
March 10th or when free; small herd Large Whites; fully modernised house; hot and cold; electricity; on bus route; St. Andrews 3 miles. Sprot, Stravithie Mains, St Andrews, Boarhills. Ref 264.
A pair of cotton sheets is awarded to Mrs Morrison, Balgay Cottage, Tealing for this recipe. She says it is so tasty for supper:-
You require 1lb sausages, 1 tin beans, 4oz pineapple and 1 teaspoon of mustard.
Place sausages in cold stew pan and cover, cook over a low heat for 10 mins, until most of the fat has cooked out. Meanwhile combine beans and mustard in a shallow casserole. Cut the pineapple into pieces and arrange on top of beans, top with sausages and bake in a moderate oven for 20 minutes.
During a trial in the Sheriff Principal's room at Dundee on Monday the depute fiscal, Mr John Skene and Mr John G. Ross, Solicitor, donned overcoats. This despite a coal fire burning in the room. The Shefiff principle's room is being used during courthouse renovations.
The Countess of Dundee opened the two-day Dundee Bakery Exhibition in the Marryat Hall on Tuesday. She was presented with an iced cake.
Dundee Dramatic Society is to present "After My Fashion" by Diana Morgan, in the Little Theatre tonight and all next week.
In the play, a film commemorating the life of the great explorer Christian Starcross, who lost his life in the Khublai Desert, is to be made. During the research work many secrets in the life of the explorer came to light, and there is plenty of scope for drama before the truth about the Starcross legend is know. Miss Mary Torbet takes the role of Lady Starcross, and James MacPherson, publicity convener for Carnoustie appears for the first time, Mr Duncan Bowman is Producer.