To remove fat from hot roast juices, add a few ice cubes. The fat quickly forms to the ice and is easily lifted off. Read more......
When shoe polish is hard and lumpy, pour in a little vinegar and leave to soak for about an hour.
To remove the odour of cooking cabbage, boil a stalk or two of celery with it. This also gives a delicious flavour.
Add a few drops of lemon juice when you boil a cauliflower. This takes away the smell and keeps the vegetable white. Read more......
If egg shells are cracked and you want to boil them, use an oven bag to hold them in the water. Fasten the bag and cook the usual way. Read more......
Shiny Again - During really wet weather, even stainless steel cutlery appears dim. Lightly wipe over with a cotton cloth, dipped in a little plain white flour and see how they shine. Mrs Mitchell, Tain.
Late Roses - A small spoonful of sugar added to a vase of roses helps to feed them and makes them last longer. Mrs Parker, Ayrshire.
Scruffy Shoes? - A little egg white rubbed on the toes of leather shoes, conceals scratches, leave to dry and polish well. Mrs Robertson, Lerwick.