Men to be trained in Dundee Arrangements have now been completed for the training of a new party of soldiers as military cooks at Dundee. At Tuesday’s meeting of Dundee School Board a minute of the Continuation Classes Committee was submitted, of which it was stated that a communication had been groups of 20 each – two in Stobswell School and one in Morgan Academy. The proposals have been transmitted to the military authorities. Approval was given to the recommendations by the board.Dundee Losses
The following causalities were reported in Dundee yesterday:-
Killed In Action
Finnigan, P.O., Christopher Moffat, R.N.R., 9, Wellington Street Dundee.
Died of Wounds
Mitchell, Sergeant James, R.A.M.C., 7 Kinloch Street, Dundee.
4th Black Watch
McPherson, 1898 Private J. – adm. I.G.H., Etrecht; wounded in left leg.
Campbell, 1101 Lance-Corporal A. – adm. 3 N.G.H., Sheffield ; slight wound.
Smith, 3887 Private C. – adm. M.H., York; wounded.
Griffen, 2157 Private W.H. – adm. G.H., Nottingham; bomb wounds face and right arm.
One of the most outstanding features produced by the present war is the enormous increase in the consumption of cocoa, its value as a food beverage being insisted upon by all the belligerents in the feeding of the troops. This later fact has been perhaps, as least indirectly, responsible for the increased demand for vi-cocoa, by all upon whom stress of war has called for extra effort either in making munitions or in some equally important voluntary service. Vi-cocoa is supplied in the most palatable form.
This being so it is fortunate that the greater demand had led to a rearrangement of prices, and whereas vi-cocoa was not formally obtainable in less that a 6d size it is now possible to buy it everywhere in 4½ d, 7½ d, and 1s 3d tins, and also in convenient 1s and 3d packs.
For 6 nights only
6.45 – Twice Nightly – 9
Welcome return visit
Walter Howard’s Co.,
In the
“Story of the Rosary”
Popular prices, smoking in all parts.
French and Montenegrin
Flag Day
Help Our Brave Allies.
Petty Officer C.M. Finnigan, Anson Battalion, Royal Navy Division, has been killed at the Dardanelles. His widow resides at 9, North Wellington Street, Dundee.
Lord Haldane to Open Large Extension
Lord Haldane, the ex-Lord-Chancellor, will visit Dundee next Tuesday for the purpose of opening the extension to Morgan Academy, which is now practically complete. The visit of the distinguished scholar and statesman is naturally evoking much interest, and it is expected that there will be a large gathering of citizens at the ceremony. The addition to the Academy enlarges the accommodation by about one third and will probably cost something in the region of £20,000 when everything contemplated is done. The new part has been added to the rear of the old and has been designed to harmonise as far as possible with the architecture of the main building. It is three storeys high, while the old part is two storeys, but the flat roof prevents the addition interfering with the familiar view from the front.
A sale in aid of the Central Funds of the British Red Cross will be held in the Mars Workshops, Newport, and Fife on the afternoon of Saturday 11th September, to be opened at 2.30 p.m. by the Most Rev the Primus.
Theatrical entertainment organised by Dr Gordon Campbell, games and competitions.
Readers Who Proved for Soldiers’ Comfort.
Many a soldier will be grateful to the following for their generosity:-
Annie and Jeanie Burr, Dunvarrich, Tongue (cigarettes, soap &c), Mr McKelvey, 39, Gairbraid Street, Glasgow, £1 9s 5d (National Relief Fund), James McKenzie, c/o Awburn, 30, Whitehall Crescent, Dundee (tobacco fund).
What to Send Your Fighting Pal
Cheap and Easy
What do you feel like when you are in form for a smoke and find you tobacco pouch or cigarette case is empty?
Pretty rotten, don’t you?
Your own position will make you realise the plight of our poor gallant Tommies, who are frequently tobaccoless, and have no opportunity of obtaining any. They are dependent on you and me and those like us, who out of generosity are ready to minister to the comforts of the men who are fighting, aye, and bleeding for us.
A. Parcel
1 lb
Brown Bar Tobacco
2s 8d post paid.
B. Parcel
Roll Tobacco
2s 8d post paid.
C. Parcel
1lb special
Smoking mixture
In quarter lb tins
3s post paid.
D. Parcel
300 fine Virginia Cigarettes
In tins of 60.
3s 6d post paid.
This table sets forth better bargains by far than those to which ladies will be rushing at in the Autumn sales in the near future. All you have to do is to select the parcel that you think will suit your friend best. Send along the money to “People’s Journal”, 7, Bank Street, Dundee, marking the envelope “tobacco fund”, and enclose the name, number, rank and regiment and we will do the rest. If you have no friend at the front you can still give us an opportunity to forward a parcel to some poor Tommy who has no friend at home.