Officer Reported Killed Turns up in Hospital Mr James S. Weir, the popular Firemaster of Dundee Fire Brigade, has had a remarkable experience. His elder son, Lieutenant James Weir, of the Black Watch was officially reported killed last Friday, but three days later news was received that his is alive, at present in hospital in France. This was the joyful message received by Mr Weir last night.Late on Friday night Mr Weir received a telegram bearing the official stamp to the effect that his son had fallen in action. The distressing news occasioned universal regret, and during the three days many expressions of sympathy have been conveyed to Mr Weir and his household in their reported bereavement. The cloud which had darkened Mr Weir’s home has been lifted in an extraordinary manner. At nine o’clock last night Mr Weir received a telegram from France in the following terms:-
“San Origine, 20th, 3.45 p.m. – Second Lieutenant Weir in No. 2 Red Cross Hospital. Shell shock; doing well; letter follows – Weir.”
Mr Weir at once got into communication with the Record Office in Perth, and received confirmation of the fact that his son was alive, a message having just been received there that Lieutenant Weir had been admitted to hospital in Boulogne.
Although no communication has been received from Lieutenant James Weir, of the Black Watch, except the telegram intimating his safety, news has reached his father, Firemaster Weir, from an officer in the same unit. The letter, which was received on Thursday, is from Captain Pullun states that Lieut. Weir has been badly shaken and bruised, but not seriously wounded. “He is suffering from severe shock,” adds the writer, “but he has made splendid progress during the last two days, and he wishes me to say you need not be anxious about him and that he hopes to be able to travel to England in a few days”.
Monday Evening, Nov. 20th at 7.30
Grand Allies’ Concert
Mme. Elsa Stralia (representing Australia)
The brilliant Prima Donna from
Covent Garden Opera,
Paris and Milan Opera Houses.
Adela Verne (representing England)
After four years of absence, this famous
Pianist has just returned to England from an
Enormously successful world tour.
Mr Gerald O’Brien (representing Ireland)
The new Tenor, The great success of Sir Thomas
Beecham’s Opera Season, London and Manchester.
M Vallier (representing France)
The wonderful French Bass, from the opera houses of
Paris, Milan, La Scala, Metropolitan, Opera House, New York.
At the piano: M. Simon Wery (representing Belgium).
Tickets (including tax) – Numbered, 5s 3d and 3s, 3d; unreserved, 2s 2d and 1s 2d.
Plan at Paterson’s, 38, Reform Street. Telegrams – “Organs” Dundee. Phone 1919.
The concert will finish in time for the following trains:-
Broughty Ferry, Barnhill, 9.45; Arbroath &c, 10.20;
St. Andrews &c 9.45; Tayport &c, 10.
Official intimation has been received by Mrs David Mudie, 9 Roslin Terrace, that her son, Private David Mudie, Black Watch, was killed in action on the 14th October. Private Mudie enlisted shortly after the outbreak of war and had been in France for about 16 months. Before joining the army he was employed with Mr D.S. Wilson, butcher, Victoria Road.
“Of course I’ll buy a flag when it’s for the Red Cross” that was the trend of the remarks which greeted the various flag sellers on Saturday. The arrangements worked splendidly and the amount of over £1000 which was realised reflects the greatest of credits upon Mr John Methven and all others who worked so untiringly to make Scotland’s Red Cross Day a success in Dundee.
Strength to Win.
Speedily and painlessly cured with a new treatment. Remarkable results. A medical marvel. Write or consult A.H. Ross Chemist, 13, Strathmartine Road, Dundee.
Relatives of soldiers killed, wounded or missing, are requested to send photographs, with full particulars, for reproduction in the “People’s Journal”. No charge will be made for insertion. Letters should be addressed: “Editor, ‘People’s Journal,’ Dundee.”
There was a large attendance at the meeting of the Dundee Woman’s War Relief Committee in the Town Hall on Tuesday. After Miss Duncanson, Hon. Secretary, had read the report for the past week, in the course of which she stated that 919 articles had been received, bringing the grand total up to 147,945, she drew the attention to the decrease in the number of articles sent in. During the last four weeks there had been a steady decrease and the total for the past week was much lower that usual.
It is understood that a proposal is at present being considered for the establishment of a Home for Serbian boys in Dundee. When Serbia was overrun by the Austro-Germans many of the children got safely away. A large number of them were taken to France, and 300 were sent to Britain, 50 of whom were allocated to Scotland. There is a strong desire in Dundee that something should be done for the boys, and it is understood that negotiations are in progress for the acquisition of Fernbrae, Perth Road, the residence of the late Mr L.J. Weinberg, for that purpose. This mansion house, which has been for some time in the market, is finely situated, is commodious and has extensive grounds, and is thought, would be very suitable for a home for the boys during their enforced stay in this country. A local gentleman has offered to provide the purchase money.
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A charming permanent momento of the “Big Push”
Reproduced on silken fabric.
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