Dundee time gun at least the particular piece of ordnance which for generations has announced to Dundonians the time of day, is silent. It has fired it's last shot. The other day the gun was inspected by a military officer who pronounced it unfit for further service. A new gun probably in the shape of an obsolete 24 pounder which has seen less service will be substituted as soon as circumstances permit.Til that is done the citizens will be without the familiar one o'clock detonation. The discarded gun has a history. It was cast in 1813 and did service on board ship towards the close of the Napoleonic war. For many years it has boomed forth the time at Dudhope Park.
Dundee Parliamentary Election - Unionist Candidate
Mr Smith and Lieut. Shackleton
will address their friends and supporters on
Monday 15th Inst at 8 o'clock
in Forester's (Large) Hall, Nicoll Street, Ward Road, Dundee.
St. John Ambulance Association, Dundee Centre.
Classes will be held in the buildings of the Young Men's Christian Association, Constitution Road, Dundee:-
"First Aid To The Injured"
Commencing on Friday 2nd February at 8pm.
When you are massaging a wrinkle always imagine that your skin is a bit of tissue paper and you are rubbing the crease out of it. Go across them with fingertips carefully but lightly and try to rub them out. If you rub in a great deal of cream the wrinkle will begin to disappear.
Take 1lb flour
6oz suet
pinch salt
teaspoon baking powder
any kind of jam.
Put flour in a basin and add salt, suet and baking powder, mix with sufficient water to make a dough. Roll out making it longer than broader and spread the jam over it, wet edges then roll up. Tie it up in a scalded flour cloth and let it boil for 2 hours. This is an inexpensive and very easily made pudding.
Today at 2.30pm & Tonight at 7.45pm
Kinnaird Hall, Dundee
2 performances daily...
Tremendous Success of W.
Prices:- Front Seats £2s / Balcony 1s 6d.
Back seats 6d / Children half price.
City Road - excellent three-roomed house in first class order. Self contained. Rent £38.
I.B. Murray, 42 Barrack Street, Dundee.
Vacancy in good boarding school for young lady. Reduced terms - £8 per quarter. Apply No. 762, Advertiser Office Dundee.
The forthcoming photographic exhibition of the Federated Societies of Scotland in the Victoria Art Galleries, Dundee, promises to be of absorbing interest, alike to the general public and to those who participate in the art. There are some 700 entries. These will be staged in three galleries.
In presence of a good many spectators the annual New Year Morris tube shooting competition in connection with the Broughty Artillery Volunteer Corps came off in the Drill Hall shed on Tuesday. There were a good many competitiors, including a few civilians. Shooting as a whole was better compared with last year, and prizes offered were subscribed for locally.