Commander Evans’ Latest Communication The latest despatch from Commander Evans states that Captain Scott and his party reached the Pole on January 17. The Union Jack was hoisted, and photographs of the explorers taken. These films have been recovered and developed, together with photographs of Amundsen’s tent. The return journey over the plateau was marked by a series of good marches in medium weather.Captain Scott dated the beginning of the failure of Petty Officer Evans from the time of reaching the Pole. He was a great anxiety to the party on the plateau. When rough ice was reached Evans fell, sustaining a serious concussion. The accident delayed the party, and their surplus food was gradually diminished. On February 17 Evans’ foot worked out of his ski shoe, and he was compelled to fall out, remaining behind to readjust his foot-gear. Latterly he was placed on a sledge but had not returned to the tent two hours before he died.
In regard to the fuel shortage, it is explained that the average distance between depots was 65 miles. This means that the party must average over nine miles per day. For a week however, the best march of the southern party on the barrier was about nine miles and in later stages it fell as low as three miles a day. The failure to maintain a higher speed was due to the conditions of Oates and the frequent blizzards.
The bodies were found in a tent on November 10th 1912, half-covered with snow.
Advance of 5 per Cent Confirmed
On Saturday, 8th March, the employees in the mills and factories of Dundee will enjoy an advance of wages.
The Spinners and Manufacturers’ Association met on Tuesday, when they had before them the decision arrived at by their representative and the Committee of the Workers’ Societies. Ten per cent of an advance was the demand made on behalf of the employees but the conference arranged that the increase should be 5 per cent, with a maximum of 1s to batches, preparers and spinners and 5 per cent to winders and weavers.
On Tuesday the employers confirmed this arrangement and from Friday 28th February, it will come into effect, the first advance being therefore paid on Saturday 8th March, Calendar workers also participate in the increase.
20 hens, henhouse and hen run for sale, in splendid condition. Apply Macgregor, Elmlea, Birkhill by Lochee.
See Canada for nothing!
Free Lectures
By W.J. Speers in
Gilfillan Hall, Dundee
On Feb. 13.
Beautifully illustrated by lantern slides and cinematograph films.
For admission tickets apply to:-
Fleming & Haxton, 76, High St; Jas. Nicol & Co, 19, High St; and Mackay Bros &Co, 4, Whitehall Crescent, Dundee.
Ward Road. To-night at 7.30 – Latest animated pictures, musical programme; Miss Mary Tollan, Mr James Ingram. Adults 2d Juveniles 1d.
Smart, up-to-date, with clear directions for dressmaking.
People’s Friends, every week.
It is good news to learn that “Mother Hubard” is staying for another week, for, unlike most pantomimes, it is worth visiting twice, providing your constitution is equal to the stain of a double dos of the fits of laughter which, Mr Peter Bermingham produces. For fun, merriments, and brightness he supplies to the pantomime in large measure, and along with the other artistes he succeeds in making it one long laugh from beginning to end.
Miss Maggie Fraser, makes a dainty bewitching principal girl, worthy of all the flattering remarks the principal boy showers on her relative to her beauty and grace.
Mother Hubard is a pantomime of deserving of a successful run, and when she takes her leave of Dundee we believe the management will not find the cupboard bare.
A better working apron could not be contrived than one made of the front and side panels of a disused skirt. No work is involved in making, as it is already perfect fitting, and only needs side hemmed and tapes for tying at the waist. If a lined skirt, all the better, as it is so thick it defies all dirt or water getting to the dress beneath. For washing day it is invaluable, and the same time so neat and tidy. I wear a navy one at present, and worn with a dark skirt it is not noticed to be an apron at all, but looks like part of the skirt beneath. E.B.M.