Beauty / Fashion

Beauty/Fashion tips

Washing Hairbrushes 1928

Hairbrushes should be washed frequently, and the correct way to do this, so that the backs of the brushes are not damaged, is to fill a basin with cold water and add a little baking soda or ammonia. Tip the basin sufficiently to allow the brush to be swished up and down in the water without wetting the back. Rinse in clear water, shake vigourously, and stand on its side on the sill of an open window to dry. Never wash in hot water or allow to lie on the back when drying. Read more......

Lemons for Beauty 1928

  • Equal parts of lemon juice and glycerine will soften and whiten rough hands.
  • Plain lemon juice cures warts, cleans the nails and removes stains.
  • The juice of half a lemon in the rinsing water but one, brightens the hair and checks dandruff.
  • A tablespoon of lemon juice strained into a pint of rosewater is a cheap sunburn lotion.
  • Unsweetened lemon juice drunk in hot water before breakfast often cures a bilious headache.
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How to Darken Grey Hair 1928

Mrs M.D. Gillespie, a well known beauty specialist, recently gave out the following statement regarding grey hair:- Anyone can prepare a simple mixture at home that will darken grey hair, and make it soft and glossy. To a half pint of water add 1 oz of Bay Rum, a small box of Orlex Compound and ΒΌ oz glycerine. These ingredients can be purchased at any chemist at very little cost. Read more......

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