March 1909

Football - New Irish Club

OvergateFor some time there has been talk in the city with regard to the formation of a new Irish senior team, and a Committee at the head of which is Mr P. Reilly, cycle dealer, is working at the business. Of course everyone wants to see a return of the days when the old Harp was a power in the land, but it is much to be feared our enthusiastic friends scarcely know the magnitude of the task they have undertaken in these altered times. Meantime the idea is to secure a ground in the east end of the city, one being in view, and also to seek admission to the Northern League, which should easily be gained in view of recent developments, for St Johnstone and Arbroath have decided to follow the Fife Clubs into the new Central League. As to players, the Committee are pleasingly optimistic, and friends of the game will wish them well in their new endeavour to restore the lost prestige of Irish football in the city It will be an uphill task, but perseverance, enthusiasm and money may accomplish much.

Dundee Engineers' Wages

It will be remembered a few weeks ago engineers and ironworkers in Dundee were surprised by the posting of notices intimating that on and after the first pay-day in March their wages would be reduced by about 1s per week. A meeting of the local branch of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers was held, and a deputation appointed to lay upon the employers, and lay before them the objections of the employees to the reduction. As engineers in Aberdeen and the north of Scotland were also affected by the reduction, the matter has now been remitted to the Central Council, who will arrange a Conference with employers in the future. Mean while the reduction has not been put into effect, but in view of the present state of the iron industry, the men are not very hopeful of being able to resist the proposal of the employers.

Broughty Ferry Unemployment

Although mainly a residential burgh, Broughty Ferry, this winter suffered severely through the prevailing dull trade. The Town Council, having been made aware that considerable numbers of working men had been out of work for a lengthened period, and that in many cases great privation was being endured, quietly invited those out of work to enter their names at the Council Chambers. The invitation was eagerly responded to, and fully 40 names were given. Those, it is satisfactory to learn, were provided with work at the municipal quarries, the gasworks and in other departments, the Council arranging to forward undertakings they would probably have tackled later in the year. It should be mentioned that, in course of investigation at the Council, a handsome contribution was given by one gentleman towards aiding any of the more pressing cases of the list.

Albert Institute Lectures

The ninth of this season's course of Lectures will be given in the
Victoria Art Gallery
On Wednesday, 10th March 1909, at 8 o'clock,
By the Rev. Walter Walsh,
On Towns Planned and Unplanned
With Limelight Illustrations.
Ex-Lord Provost Hunter in the Chair.
Admission free by the museum door.

Mr Churchill and The Bonnetmakers

It may be remembered that on the occasion of his last visit to Dundee the Right Hon. Winston Churchill M.P., President of the Board of Trade, promised that when he returned he would be very glad to accept the cordial invitation then extended to him to become an honorary member of the Bonnetmakers Incorporation. To secure a fulfilment of that promise a movement is now on foot. It would appear that Mr Churchill may take the opportunity presented by Easter recess to revisit his constituents, and in the case of the Bonnetmakers are hopeful that he will consent to accept the initiation to their craft, and afterwards be their guest at dinner to be given in honour of the occasion. Negotiations to that end are to be entered upon forthwith.

Final Exposure of Camperdown Shipyard

The final exposure of the foundry and ship-building yard, belonging to Gourlay Bros & Co. Limited, Dundee, was made in the Lamb's Hotel, Reform Street, yesterday. The foundry extends from East Dock Street to Foundry Lane, and cover an area of fully 525 poles.This property is freehold, and there is only a nominal feu-duty. The shipyard has an area of 1114 poles and is leased from the Harbour Trustees. Yesterday being the last opportunity of acquiring these works intact, there was a large attendance in order to see if the premises would be taken over.

Mr Robert Curr acted as auctioneer. The foundry and the yard were exposed separately, but no offers were made, and unless the properties by sold privately the next step will be the sale, in separate lots, of the tools, the plant and machinery.

Distress Fund

Dundee Town Council and Citizens' Committee for Relief of Distress Funds
The Grandest Charity Concert
Ever to take place in Dundee takes place
To-morrow (Sunday) Night
At 6.15 in the
Palace Theatre, Nethergate, Dundee.
(lent for the occasion by the United County Theatres Ltd.