Bygone News - Lolly Hughes en How the Blue Mountains Got its Name <p>The Blue Mountains at the bottom of the Hawkhill on&nbsp;the left hand side were called after an Italian man came to Dundee and lived in that tenement, he was so homesick that he painted the blue mountains on&nbsp; the wall of his flat to remind him of his home near the Blue Mountains in Italy .</p> Hawkhill Buildings/Structures Street Life Jack Lolly Hughes Hawkhill Thu, 25 Jun 2015 10:35:04 +0000 lynne.davidson 1326 at Blue Mountains? <p>I lived in St David's Lane, West Port, we used to play in the "Blue Mountains" on the Blackie. I have recently heard they were called the infamous Blue Mountains, does anyone know why?</p> Hawkhill Buildings/Structures Childhood Playing / Games Lolly Hughes Hawkhill Fri, 22 May 2015 08:35:33 +0000 lynne.davidson 1318 at