Bygone News - 1930's
en1937 Memories
<p>I remember Beechwood, 11 Kingscross well, we moved there 1937 thats going back to when it was just being built. We moved from Rosebank a small cottage with a blackSmith. It was great to see electric light and a loo inside and I remember mare tinnie in the top storie, and I remember Patons Lane well too, in thoses days great daysI have been back often. </p>
Paton's Lane1930'sChildhoodJohn FraserBeechwoodWed, 22 Apr 2015 10:23:16 +0000lynne.davidson1315 at's Bread
<p>I have a 1935 copy of a puBlication from Glasgow called 'The Bulletin' I could not find any reference to it but there is an advertisement on the back page for Beattie's Bread, I recall my Nanny speaking about different products from Scotland and England and this is one of them. Is it still in business? Just curious.</p>
1930'sChildhoodFood and DrinkGail Varcoe (Campbell)Wed, 07 Nov 2012 10:58:11 +0000lynne.davidson1014 at of Dundee - Part Seven
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<p>1939 was also a remarkable year for me personally. My parents were Good Templars, i.e they did not drink alcoholic beverages and were staunch members of the Independent Order of Good Templars in Dundee or simple âthe Lodgeâ as they termed it, since every branch was a lodge with a particular name and number. My first recollections are of them being members of Camperdown Lodge, which met on a Saturday evening in Camperdown Masonic Hall which was situated in a corner of a square, up an outside stair from which access was gained by way of a pend in Barrack Street. However this closed, due to lack of members in 1938. My parents them transferred their allegiance to Rescue Lodge which met on a Tuesday evening in St Salvadorâs church hall in Church Street. There were other lodges which met on other evening's throughout the city; The Home of Peace, The Pioneer of Peace and The Perseverance are the ones I remember.<span class="read-more"><a href="/reminiscences/memories-dundee-part-seven"><strong> Read more......</strong></a></span></p>
</div>Barrack StreetChurch Street1930'sChildhoodEntertainmentFamilyMusic / ConcertsWalter BlacklawCity CentreHilltownWed, 30 Mar 2011 09:01:25 +0000lynne.davidson762 at of Dundee - Part Five
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<p>Just before the war, roundabout 1937/38, my Uncle Jack, my Dad's brother, bought a hut sited in on the 'Downs Poultry Farm' simply known as 'The Downs'' between Monifieth and Carnoustie, near Barry. There were a few other huts situated there, probably about a dozen or so. Nearby to the site was a military camp associated with a convalescence building (I think) called the Soldiers Home. We regularly spent weekends or sometimes longer at 'The Downs' as did many others from Dundee when they had a few days off.<span class="read-more"><a href="/reminiscences/memories-dundee-part-five"><strong> Read more......</strong></a></span></p>
</div>1930'sChildhoodEntertainmentFamilyWalter BlacklawWed, 30 Mar 2011 08:40:20 +0000lynne.davidson760 at of Dundee - Part Four
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<p><span class='wysiwyg_imageupload image imgupl_floating_right imgupl_styles_spacing_20_black_border\n\rBlack Border'><a href="" rel="lightbox[wysiwyg_imageupload_inline]" title=""><img src="" alt="" title="" class="imagecache wysiwyg_imageupload imgupl_styles_spacing_20_black_border\n\rBlack Border imagecache imagecache-medium" style="" width="230" height="165" /></a> <span class='image_meta'></span></span>I suppose one of the big things in my life was the Empire Exhibition. This was held in Glasgow in 1938, at Bellahouston Park. There was a special railway excursion to be running on the autumn holiday Monday of that year, them known as the October fast. We (my sister May and I) were taken along with Mum, Granny Gillan and Doris (my Mum's unmarried sister). It was so exciting-Glasgow! That was a long, long way away in those days and I had never been on such a long journey before. This was really something special for a seven year old like me. I remember being amazed at the fountains in the grounds and staring goggle-eyed at the sight of a red-coated Mountie just outside the Canadian pavilion, actually riding a horse. This was even better then Nelson Eddie playing the part of a Mountie and singing to Jean McDonald in the film 'Rose Marie'. That had been my only experience of these romantic figures until them - and that was in black and white!<span class="read-more"><a href="/reminiscences/memories-dundee-part-four"><strong> Read more......</strong></a></span></p>
</div>1930'sChildhoodFamilyParksPicnics / OutingsPublic TransportRailways / TrainsSchool DaysWalter BlacklawWed, 30 Mar 2011 08:31:15 +0000lynne.davidson759 at of Dundee - Part Three
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<p><span class='wysiwyg_imageupload image imgupl_floating_right imgupl_styles_spacing_20_black_border\n\rBlack Border'><a href="" rel="lightbox[wysiwyg_imageupload_inline]" title=""><img src="" alt="" title="" class="imagecache wysiwyg_imageupload imgupl_styles_spacing_20_black_border\n\rBlack Border imagecache imagecache-medium" style="" width="230" height="165" /></a> <span class='image_meta'></span></span>It was also round about this time, 1935 that George V and Queen Mary celebrated their Silver Jubilee and of course there were celebrations of all sorts throughout the country. I remember being given a tin of caramels at school along with every other pupil as a celebratory gesture from the government. There were also decorations in the shops etc to a degree. One thing which comes to mind is a lapel-badge featuring George and Mary that I was obviously given, probably along with the sweets. I remember looking at it and discussing it with my sister May as we walked down the Hilltown one day. However with the beginning of 1939, January 20th to be exact, (don't ask me shy I remember that date) the mood of the nation turned sombre, with the death of George V. I believe he had not enjoyed the best of health in his latter years. One of the souvenirs I have of his reign is a cigarette card album containing a full set of Will's Woodbine cigarette cards depicting 'The Reign of George V'. I remember being given it in a sort of throw-away gesture by Mr Gegan who had a tobacconist shop on the Hilltown, when I was in the shop for some reason.<span class="read-more"><a href="/reminiscences/memories-dundee-part-three"><strong> Read more......</strong></a></span></p>
</div>Ann StreetBernard Street1930'sRoyal FamilyWalter BlacklawHawkhillWed, 30 Mar 2011 08:09:24 +0000lynne.davidson758 at of Dundee - Part Two
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<p>In my first year at Primary School (Dens Road), one morning for some reason our class got out early. I couldn't go home because my sister May took me home. Accordingly, I was sent up to May's class, Miss Bruce of the senior grade. She set me down beside May and gave me a paper to draw on. However I was a distraction for her school friends, particularly Gladys Thomson her closest friend and she began helping me to draw. The big thing at the time was the Queen Mary, the second largest liner in the world, only a couple of feet shorter than the Normandy, the French equivalent. The Queen Mary had three deck and three funnels.<span class="read-more"><a href="/reminiscences/memories-dundee-part-two"><strong> Read more......</strong></a></span></p>
</div>Caldrum StreetDens Road1930'sChildhoodSchool DaysWalter BlacklawSt Mary's / BrackensWed, 30 Mar 2011 07:56:34 +0000lynne.davidson757 at of Dundee - Part One
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<p><span class='wysiwyg_imageupload image imgupl_floating_right imgupl_styles_spacing_20_black_border\n\rBlack Border'><a href="" rel="lightbox[wysiwyg_imageupload_inline]" title=""><img src="" alt="" title="" class="imagecache wysiwyg_imageupload imgupl_styles_spacing_20_black_border\n\rBlack Border imagecache imagecache-medium" style="" width="230" height="165" /></a> <span class='image_meta'></span></span>I think the best way to start is to go back to the beginning - to my earliest memories:- One of these is my fourth birthday. I've worked this out with a bit of calculation. It must have been my fourth birthday, since I was born on the 18th October 1930, which was a Saturday. The occasion I remember was a weekday afternoon so it must have been before I was at school. I reckon it must have been Thursday 18th October 1934.<span class="read-more"><a href="/reminiscences/memories-dundee-part-one"><strong> Read more......</strong></a></span></p>
</div>Dens Road1930'sCelebrations / OccasionsChildhoodWalter BlacklawHilltownWed, 30 Mar 2011 07:49:37 +0000lynne.davidson756 at Stay Off School Again
<p><span class='wysiwyg_imageupload image imgupl_floating_right imgupl_styles_spacing_20_black_border\n\rBlack Border'><a href="" rel="lightbox[wysiwyg_imageupload_inline]" title=""><img src="" alt="" title="" class="imagecache wysiwyg_imageupload imgupl_styles_spacing_20_black_border\n\rBlack Border imagecache imagecache-medium" style="" width="230" height="165" /></a> <span class='image_meta'></span></span>I was born on 27th January 1936 and lived at 45 Cotton Road, Dundee. I went to St Mary's Forebank School and then to St John's Secondary School in Tay Street.<span class="read-more"><a href="/reminiscences/never-stay-school-again"><strong> Read more......</strong></a></span></p>
Albert SquareCotton RoadTay Street1930'sTramsWork / Working LifeMaySt Mary's / BrackensWed, 16 Mar 2011 15:50:04 +0000lynne.davidson713 at to Perth Walk
<p><span class='wysiwyg_imageupload image imgupl_floating_right imgupl_styles_spacing_20_black_border\n\rBlack Border'><a href="" rel="lightbox[wysiwyg_imageupload_inline]" title=""><img src="" alt="" title="" class="imagecache wysiwyg_imageupload imgupl_styles_spacing_20_black_border\n\rBlack Border imagecache imagecache-medium" style="" width="230" height="165" /></a> <span class='image_meta'></span></span>My mother Sarah Scott Reilly, (maiden name) won a medal in the 1936 Dundee to Perth walk, she won a medal presented to her by the Daily Record, it says to the S.W.A.A. Woman's C C Championship won by ... and the date 1936. My mother died in November 2007 and I have just visited in her memory and I just wondered if there was anyone who new anymore about it for our family records. My mum was also known as Cissie.</p>
1930'sChildhoodSportMaggieWed, 16 Mar 2011 14:29:06 +0000lynne.davidson708 at