Bygone News - Milnbank Road
enThe Gift Shop Milnbank Road
<p>I've just read about Nighebhoy on his way to school. The shop opposite Rosefield Street was called the Gift Shop and was Arthur Spinks mum's shop, the well known Dundee accordion player, he was boyhood pal of mine and I can still hear his mum shouting 'Arthur, time to practice'.</p>
Milnbank RoadChildhoodSchool DaysDennis GreeleyNigebhoyBlacknessFri, 14 Aug 2015 10:47:42 +0000lynne.davidson1330 at Road
<p>I remember walking to school in the morning and stopping at the shop that used to be on Milnbank Road across from the bottom of Rosefield Street. You got a 2p mix which did the whole day. At that time I was at Blackness Primary on Blackness Road. I had been moved from Mitchell Street Primary the year before. On the way home at night we would go past the police box on Milnbank Road next to the playpark to see if there was a policeman there we could talk to and ask questions.</p>
Milnbank RoadChildhoodSchool DaysNigebhoyTue, 27 Jan 2015 14:17:22 +0000lynne.davidson1298 at Market
<p><span class='wysiwyg_imageupload image imgupl_floating_right imgupl_styles_spacing_20_black_border\n\rBlack Border'><a href="" rel="lightbox[wysiwyg_imageupload_inline]" title=""><img src="" alt="" title="" class="imagecache wysiwyg_imageupload imgupl_styles_spacing_20_black_border\n\rBlack Border imagecache imagecache-medium" style="" width="230" height="165" /></a> <span class='image_meta'></span></span>I too went to Mitchell Street Primary School. I lived in Milnbank Road and later moved to Denhead Crescent in Charleston. I also attended Logie Secondary from 1960 to 1964 . I was in Ancrum House. I used to love going to the Overgate Market with my mother on a Saturday. You could buy anything there. I remember getting a portion of mushy peas with lots of vinegar as a treat. I went on to nurse in Dundee Royal Infirmary, Maryfield Hospital and finally at Liff Hospital just outside Dundee. I live abroad now and when I come back to Dundee I don't recognise it.</p>
Milnbank Road1960'sSchool DaysWork / Working LifeEileen Cochrane (Swan)OvergateFri, 04 Mar 2011 15:39:04 +0000lynne.davidson608 at