Bygone News - Drummie en Mary Brooksbank <p>Hi Tina. Like you, I remember the metal gates and barbed wire used to prevent anyone from Linlathen to cross the viaduct from Fountainbleu Drive to the wilderness that was Fintry, although my elder siblings found them little deterrent when they crossed from Linlathen to make a few bob picking spuds on McLean's farm. Happy days, they lied. A heroine of mine, Mary Brooksbank, called such times the good old bad old days, and I think she was spot on. She would arrive unannounced at the top of our street, Riddell Terrace, sing two or three songs and then move on.<span class="read-more"><a href="/reminiscences/mary-brooksbank"><strong>&nbsp;Read more......</strong></a></span></p> Fountainbleau Drive Childhood Drummie Linlathen Fri, 31 Oct 2014 09:54:48 +0000 lynne.davidson 1279 at