Bygone News - Dougie Taylor en Lochee in the 50s and 60s <div class="content clear-block"> <p><span class='wysiwyg_imageupload image imgupl_floating_right imgupl_styles_spacing_20_black_border\n\rBlack Border'><a href="" rel="lightbox[wysiwyg_imageupload_inline]" title=""><img src="" alt="" title="" class="imagecache wysiwyg_imageupload imgupl_styles_spacing_20_black_border\n\rBlack Border imagecache imagecache-medium" style="" width="230" height="165" /></a> <span class='image_meta'></span></span>I was brought up in South Road, Lochee during the 50s and 60s. My dad drove lorries for Allison's transport in Clepington Road and my mum worked in the fish cannery, this was right across from our close. It was a great time running around Tipperary and the boag, up to Lochee Park, playing on the swings and roundabout, then another walk to Balgay Hill, this would be done in one day.<span class="read-more"><a href="/reminiscences/lochee-50s-and-60s"><strong>&nbsp;Read more......</strong></a></span></p> </div> Clepington Road South Road 1960's Parks Playing / Games School Days Work / Working Life Dougie Taylor Lochee Fri, 04 Mar 2011 14:50:54 +0000 lynne.davidson 603 at