October 1904

Perseverance Lodge

CowgateThe weekly meeting of the Perseverance Lodge was held on Thursday when Brother Gray, presided over a full meeting, and initiated three new candidates. Brother Hogg, then in a suitable manner, presented Sister Menzies and Brother Mason, members of the lodge with a lovely tea set as a token of goodwill and esteem from the lodge on the occasion of their approaching marriage.

French School

Private tuition. Cheap Wednesday classes 4.30 pm, 6 pm, 7.30 pm and 9 pm. Juvenile classes (Saturday) 9 am, 10 am and 11 am. Intending pupils should enrol at once.


Lad (stout) - Wanted to feed cattle at once. Apply Mid-Strathmore, Thornton.

Building of a New Steamer

Lord Provost Barrie has entrusted Messrs Gourlay Brothers and Co Ltd with the building of a new steamer which will have a dead weight capacity of 6,800 tons. The vessel is an exact reproduction of the steamer that at present is being built for the same firm in the Camperdown Yard. Her dimensions will be - length 380 feet, breadth 47½ feet and depth 30 feet. The engines which are to be constructed in the Dundee foundry, will be capable of developing a speed of 10½ knots. Work will commence at once. The first steamer is already framed, and the operatives engaged at this branch will immediately transfer their attention to the skeleton of the steamer number two.


This is an enlargement of the thyroid gland. It is curable by simple hygenic treatment. Drink no hard water or tea; eat no animal food, salt or soda; live largely on fruit, with over-dried wholemeal bread super-cooked oats, wheat and barley. Have a good head shampoo nightly and a warm bath weekly. Wear a cool compress round the neck every night. Discard corsets and sleep with the window open.

Apartments at Wormit

Splendid views, every convenience. Suitable for ladies and gentlemen. With or without board. No 198 Advertiser Office.

Nae Dinner

The other day a workman came home for dinner, only to find his wife busy working and no dinner ready. She's an awful woman that Mrs Broon next door" said his wife "she seems to ken a'body and a'thing". "I ken ae thing she doesna ken onywye" replied the husband. "And what may that be" snapped the wife. "She didna ken what I hae gotton for dinner the day" replied her husband good-humouredly.

Football and Hockey Boots

A large selection of football and hockey boots for sale for the coming season at
Wm. Chalmers, Bootmakers, 40 Perth Road, Dundee.

Discovery Exhibition

The Discovery Exhibition, to be opened in the Bruton Gallery in London towards the end of next month, should be one of the great attractions of the winter season. It will be opened about the same time as Captain Scott delivers his lecture to the Royal Geographical Society, on which occasion the King is expected to be present.

War Medals Wanted by Collector

The higest prices paid. Write to: Pinder, "Carisbrooke", Alfred Road, Norfolk.